Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 358: Hilton Garden

It was just after 10 p.m. I'd gotten back to the hotel after a long day of being toted around New Orleans by some people I write stories for. I'd been thinking most of the evening about finding someone to pray for, especially during dinner. I kept looking at my watch. I don't want to miss a day, especially now.

But I stopped and talked to the hotel clerk, who was probably 60 years old with a very stern face. She listened to my request and in a very customer service oriented way, told me that I could pray for her. So I did. She bowed her head. And then she thanked me. "You have a nice night, sir," she said. And I went to my room.

Tonight I also got a chance to talk to the "Demo Diva." I wrote a story about her on a previous trip to New Orleans. She owns a demolition company and paints all of her equipment pink. But she's a reader of this blog. She was very encouraging to talk to. And if you have a building you need torn down -- of any size -- she's the person for the job.

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