Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 6: The banker

The bank was quiet for a Saturday morning. Small town banks are like that. I had a little business to take care of and ran into a friend of ours working behind the counter. We stopped to talk about life and family, and she mentioned how she and her husband were having a little difficulty with their truck. It was wrecked. And her husband needed it for his business. She was in very good spirits about it, however. I knew she was a strong Christian.

But God was clear in his message to me. I walked out of the bank thinking about it and called her on the way home. She seemed to appreciate the prayer.

It made me think, however. All this time, I’ve been thinking about how to encounter people I don’t know or am likely never to see again. But there’s this whole other group of people who I do know – some who are strong Christians; other who are not – who could benefit from God’s message and a timely prayer. I’m not going to abandon my efforts to reach the first group. But the second, when I think about it, seems like an even more challenging group to reach. I guess the main thing is to remain open to God’s calling and obey when he tells me to move.

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